Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Glimpse

Already this morning I have made 5 lunches, helped 5 kids get ready and out the door for school on time, had a "chat" with a teacher, delivered skates & treasure bags to the school and the cat to the vet for surgery. It is currently 9:36 am. And I still have the whole day stretched out before me. I'm feeling like the "early bird who got the worm" today and wondering if I should challenge myself to get up at 6am with Jody every morning. It does make me feel a little more energized.

However, I also have to take 5 kids to music lessons after school and take David to a hockey game in the Sault at 8pm, make supper, do a few loads of laundry, work on Emma's bedroom reno, pick up the cat at 3pm, and I have a walk scheduled with friends for 1:35. I have to make it for the long haul.

I think I will declare today a slow cooker day. There is such a freedom knowing supper is already underway. That too is energizing.

A few days ago a fellow hockey mom said disdainfully that she would never write on a blog or Facebook because it is arrogant to believe that anyone cares to hear about every little aspect of your life. That comment crosses my mind as I write about laundry, vets and slow cookers. However, I have a different view. I love the ability of the internet to connect us all in our thoughts, feelings, & actions. I love getting a little inspiration for my house when I check out or, or read a witty prose by or go on a house tour with I like reading,, and I have fallen victim to and

And I am really enjoying connecting with my sisters on our new blog. It helps me to view my world a little differently, to draw out the interesting bits or to see the humour in the little moments. It helps me to reflect and to plan ahead. Perhaps it is presumptuous to assume that you would like to know that I'm renovating a bedroom, cleaning a bathroom or struggling with a certain parenting dilemna, but I like to think that there is comfort in knowing we are facing many of the same challenges and spending our time in many of the same ways.

Here's to another day...


Katie said...

It's true!

I really feel a lack of community in my world. An old-fashioned "we're in this together" feeling would be lovely. Ages united, working together to support and help. Perhaps the internet brings a bit more of that to our lives?

So blog away Jane- let's hear about your projects and schemes. It's nice to feel connected.

Megan said...

I am interested in the day to day and the big ideas that others have.
I don't think it's stunned to think others would want to hear your thoughts! I think especially for stay at home Mom's needing adult conversation, it's great. We can gather ideas to use in our own lives and often have a laugh as we read!