Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Week in Pictures (Week 6)

Mike and I were given love letters from our two older children.
Ezra was unhappy with us later that night and we found our
notes ripped up and scattered on the floor.

Learning to spell with letter stamps.

Annalise is so adorable!

When she smiles, she glows.
I find it baffling and gross that hot dogs are such a prized item over here.
Everyone (except me) loves them.

Sugar Crystals.

You really can't go wrong with an experiment like this.
Kids love sugar.
Notice the backpacks hanging on the chairs?
The mini's were playing "school".
It consisted of some tests, recess and lunch.

Ezra waiting for his swimming lesson to start.
He and Olive are rocking out in their classes-
they were both bumped up to higher levels.
Seth playing with an ap on the iphone.
Apparently this is what he'll look like as an old man.
Mike took the kids on a HUGE walk on Monday.
I stayed home with Annalise and napped for a couple hours. Yes, hours.
It was the best. It was sweet to see Mike's reaction when I told him I slept for so long-
he said something like "Oh, I could just cry. That is exactly what I wanted for you this weekend.
I am so happy for you." Isn't that amazing?  Good guy that Mike.

On the crazy side of the week I asked Mike to give me a little hair cut.
We are weird.
Ezra has been telling everyone that we are a bunch of hippies.
I think he may be right.

The colour of my hair. I really like it.

My favourite part of the week was... hmmm, I have 4 favourites.

1. Having Mike home on Monday. I love a long weekend.
2. Annalise finally took a soother Wednesday afternoon. She napped for more than 1/2 hour! It was delightful.
3. Saturday. It was a perfect Saturday. We worked hard cleaning the house as a family in the morning and were finished by noon. We hung out the rest of the day and had a movie night later on. We watched Megamind (Megan you left it here)
4. Sunday evening discussions with Mike. Deep.


Jane said...

Katie! Annalise is so alert - not a newborn anymore! And gorgeous!! The torn up notes are so funny - my kids have done the exact same thing. Nice. Great pictures Katie.

Megan said...

You do have such a pretty hair colour, I'm surprised at how mine has darkened so much over time.

I can also identify with the torn up notes and the like, this weekend Elora told us she is going to run away. She asked Heidi to come with her so she wouldn't be afraid, their destination is Mom's house.

Jenny Jo Jen said...

Do you remember when I gave one of your kids a raw hotdog to eat while we were making lunch one day?! The look on your face was PRICELESS I tell ya!

Katie said...

I do remember that Jenn! You had to read the back of the package of hotdogs to assure me that they are fully cooked.

Will said...

Hot dogs are gross. I read an article about mechanically separated meat products a couple weeks ago.
I don't want to eat a chicken nugget ever again...